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SDDT Company

Below you will find the current members of the South Dayton Dance Theatre


*Will be placed in Second Company once splits are all the way down.

First Company

Addie Bakan

Brooklynn Bohinc

Ava DeVito

Meghan Flaherty

Bianca Garay

Annie Hollins

Beth Leigh

Luciana Mauro

Claire McDermitt

Danica Murphy

Jorja Tyson

Greta Wurdinger


Meredith Dahl

Emerson East

Lillian Ebeling

Grace Kim

Jessica Knapke

Abby Krella

Nadia Telatko

Second Company

Olivia Bellware

Audrey Clymer

Olive Crye

Norah Edmondson

Juliane Kim

Christina Luu

Jessica Marin

Candice McDermitt

Grace Mercker

Alyssa Nicholas

Riley Reising

Maribella Santoianni

Laura Tatum

Paige Veren

Claire Veren

Training Company

Samantha Bailey

Abbey Chrisman

Greta Rose DeVito

Juliet Holderman

Penelope Koehler

Hayleigh Meents

Larkin Neal

Peri Reed

Charlotte Reser

Marin See*

Emma Szabo

Aubrey Thompson

Savannah Willhoite*

*Will be placed in Second Company once splits are all the way down.
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